If you are an owner, and would like to make a motion at the next community board meeting, this is the page to help you do just that! Before you proceed however, please review the bulleted list below:
- All motions must be made prior to the agenda being sent out for the upcoming board meeting. Once the agenda has been sent, your motion will be moved to the following meeting. This gives the board ample time to review and research your request.
- Use clear and concise wording. Motions typically are brief, but need to describe exactly what action you want the board to take, or what position you want the board to affirm.
- Be specific. If your motion is vague, you can significantly decrease the likelihood that the motion will pass. Board members are unlikely to vote for a motion if they don’t understand what it means, or if it could be interpreted in multiple ways.
- Wait to be recognized. At the meeting, the presiding officer will present your submitted motion during the ‘New Business’ portion of the meeting. The presiding officer will then address you by name and let you know that you have the floor.
- Once you are cleared to proceed, begin by saying “I move” and then state the action that you want the board to take and a brief explanation as to why. The board may ask some follow-up questions or expand on your line of thinking. This will be done to ensure understanding.
- Wait for someone to second your motion. After understanding has been confirmed, the presiding officer will then ask if someone on the board is willing to second the motion: “I second the motion” or simply “I second.” Having a motion seconded is a requirement, and helps to ensure that the board doesn’t spend meeting time considering a motion that is only important to one person.
- After you have stated your motion, and assuming it is seconded, the presiding officer will restate your motion as a question for the board to vote on. This is called “stating the question,” and officially opens your motion for consideration by the board. This question will always be answered with a “yes” or “no” response, as voted on by the Board of Directors.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact us at: Association@DorseyPointe.net.